Its like this...I got into 911truth cuz duh its so obvious the story Bush and co told us about how the September 11th attacks happened was so much bs. But I assumed the usual government incompetence. And responsibility evasion. Standard MO from Rethuglicans. Still attacking Afghanistan made some sense ...IF they were harboring OBL. But then Americans got all gun ho about attacking Iraq. That was my WTF moment. And letting Osama and co get away at Torra Bora. Or whoever the guy was. Might of been OBL, might not be. Whatever. But I'm pretty sure Saddam was NOT OBL. Know what I'm saying....? So WTF are we STILL there?
That's how I started digging into truth. Then the crazies came: it was space beams, it was aliens, it was evil Jew agents, and everyone who doesn't go along with these clowns is an agent. Yeah, right.
I tried to post on a couple of boards but it got boring. BTW everyone complains about 911blogger censoring their bs, but I got news for them: I was "censored" too. Is it a conspiracy? Probably not. I figure my comments were caught in a spam filter or something. Or a mod was an idiot. And this is why: my comments were ANTI-bs, ANTI- Jews did it, and ANTI-CIT. Yep, CIT the biggest truther crybabies out there. No guys, its not a conspiracy by evil Jews: sometimes comments just don't go through. No tinfoil needed.
Still, I understand the frustration. After a while what's the point? Now I'm focusing on getting the message out, some truthactions with the local group and making videos. Maybe I'll give forums a shot in the future, but so far its been a waste of time.
That's whats happening. Later.
PS: Hey! Got back into my account! Is it a conspiracy? Or did I forget the password? You decide!