Information, images and links to help the serious 911 activist.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Truth Action in October

(No, its not Oct yet but the posters done so what the hell. Get it out there.)
Click on poster to view full size.

As published on Indymedia. All truthaction website material the property of the author and site owner of Poster created by 911truthNOTlizards to promote online awareness of Truth Action in 911Truth.

Contrary to some rumors, racism and right-wing propaganda are UNWELCOME at


Mission Statement is dedicated to achieving justice for the crimes of 9/11. To this end our primary focus is promoting activism to raise awareness about the lies of the official 9/11 story and to push for an independent criminal investigation into those events.

It is our aim to grow the movement for truth on a global level through the promotion of International Days of Truth Action on the Eleventh Day of Every Month and to encourage and support everyday activism.

We aim to put an end to the global war on terror by exposing the truth about its foundational myth. 9/11 truth is the key to stopping the global war machine.

We aim to restore our rights and civil liberties and repeal all laws based on 9/11 propaganda.

The 9/11 Truth Movement is at the forefront of the global movements for justice and peace and we will continue to build bridges with our natural allies within these movements. is a wholly peaceful organisation and we totally reject violence in activism.

See also:

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